LE Gear is proud to have joined forces with NSW Police in 2016 to assist with the Commanders Active Citizen Program. This program is a Tweed/Byron Local Area Command initiative with the main purpose of this project being to promote and encourage positive interaction between Aboriginal Youth and local Police. The program also seeks to improve participation in the Tweed/Byron Police Aboriginal Consultative Committee (PACC) meetings.

LE Gear was able to provide some gear and leadership mentoring with our brand ambassador Paralympian Gold Medalist Curtis McGrath joining the PACC for a half-day session on the importance of goal setting. LE Gear MD, Mark Foote, was privileged to attend a culture day where the importance and relevance of the traditional landowners was shared with the group. PACC also experienced the valuable field trips with a great day out kayaking and the more recent life-changing trip to the Snow.

More about the Active Citizenship Program

Active Citizenship is the philosophy that citizens should work towards the betterment of their community through economic participation, public, volunteer work, and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. A healthy extension of this is the personal membership of individuals in local committees, groups, working parties and organisations that focus on delivering and or promoting change for community improvement.

By identifying Koori youth within the Tweed/Byron Command that demonstrate a potential “Future Voice”, or an ability to become an advocate for positive change amongst Koori people, is a priority for the success of our PACC. Young people that are exposed to meetings, forums and workshops, particularly charitable based organisations provides real life proof that change can occur. However in order for this change to take place young people need to develop the confidence to “step up” and become involved, even as an ordinary every day person participating in simple activities, the potential to have a positive impact is real.

Koori youth that posses a sense of fairness and equity, extending into aspects of Community Safety have been encouraged to participate in this project. It is envisaged that at the completion of the project that these young people will become confident to engage at a suitable level as a member of a local committee or group, such as the Police Aboriginal Consultative Committee.  Furthermore these young people will have developed a knowledge and understanding of the NSW Police Force Aboriginal Strategic Direction. They will be able to promote what the ASD is about, that it exists and that it is possible to have a say and be involved in making change in their community. An enhanced benefit will be when these young people encourage their parents, relatives, other adults and young people to consider becoming involved not only in PACC, but any other community based group that aims to improve the quality of life for both Koori and non-Koori people.

The program strategy focuses on Koori school students in Year 9 & 10 that are nominated by their Principal. Who are already demonstrating an ability to be focused, positive, and value their education. These candidates are invited by the Commander of Tweed/Byron LAC to undertake the Active Citizen Project. The project provides a series of structured activities and events such as mentoring, field trips to charitable and not for profit organisations, a Leadership Camp and a networking dinner with certificate presentation.

The NSW Police Force has a primary role to work with the community to establish a safer environment by reducing violence, crime and fear. The NSW Police Force Aboriginal Strategic Direction 2012-2017 (ASD) sets the framework by which the NSW Police Force can promote positive outcomes and foster better understanding between Police and the Aboriginal people. In accordance with both the terms and spirit of the ASD, Superintendent Starling seeks local Aboriginal Community involvement and participation in the Tweed/Byron Local Area Command Police Aboriginal Consultative Committee (PACC)   The Commanders Active Citizen Project” seeks to realise this commitment.